To deal some damage to your enemy, you must hit him. It might seem trivial, all one need to do is aim at enemy ship silhouette and pull the trigger. Such attempt will work on close distance, but if enemy ship is 15 km away from you and the bullet is flying for eight seconds, you must think greatly ahead. You must consider the direction in which enemy ship is sailing, its speed, and even type, which will tell you a lot about probable enemy behavior. In case of aiming, the most important thing you must consider is distance between you and your enemy and how fast the enemy is moving. After switching to sniper mode (shift key by default) you must aim some distance in front of the ship itself. Your bullet may fly for even few seconds. It is wise to shoot first from one cannon and check if you have aimed properly. If yes, then you can unleash the whole salvo. Sadly, there is no universal rule for aiming at long distance. You must simply train a lot until you're able to instinctively approximate where you should send the bullets. Luis cruiser is a very good idea, it has large amount of fast reloading cannons.

It allows you to send few dozens of bullets in one minute. There is no better shooting training than that. From my own experience I might add that you should aim high-explosive bullets slightly above enemy ship and at water line or slightly above it in case of armor piercing ammunition. Successive hit at citadel will deal maximum damage. Image source: Official website of the game. Once you learn how to hit enemy ship, you should focus on its specific parts. High explosive ammunition should be aimed at the bow and the stern of the ship, more or less up to the place where the first main artillery turret is located. The armor is rather thin in that spot, you should deal large damage. A good idea in case of HE ammunition is also shooting at the cannons, quarterdecks and chimneys.